Tag Archives: transgender

Episode 8: Diagnosing Public Figures from Afar: The Goldwater Rule

PODCAST #8    “Diagnosing Public Figures from Afar:  The Goldwater Rule.”

          The temptation to assign diagnostic labels to public figures is hard to resist, especially when the behavior of those public figures is particularly outlandish. But is it ethical to diagnose someone whom we have never met? These are not easy questions and frequent speaker Mark Smaller will address them.

© On Good Authority, Inc., 2019


A NEW podcast hosted by Barbara Alexander as she interviews other mental health professionals about their work. Together they sort out some of the most important therapy issues of our times.

Episode 7: The Schizophrenic Child becomes an Adult

Episode :7      “The Schizophrenic Child becomes an Adult”

         Retired Administrative Law Judge, Karen Mellow tells us, continuing her conversation with Barbara Alexander that when your schizophrenic child turns eighteen, “That’s a whole other catastrophe… On that day, he is an adult and if he chooses to live on the street and starve, that’s his business and there’s no way you can intervene.”

© On Good Authority, Inc., 2019


A NEW podcast hosted by Barbara Alexander as she interviews other mental health professionals about their work. Together they sort out some of the most important therapy issues of our times.


Episode 5: Why Do Addicts Relapse?

PODCAST #5:     “Why do Addicts Relapse?”

         “The fact is, every addict loves getting high. What every addicted person wants more than anything in the whole world is to be able to use their drug of choice without consequences.” So says Dr. Mark Willenbring as he, Dr. Brian Johnson, and Dr. Ishani Dalal continue their conversations with Barbara Alexander, from On Good Authority.

© On Good Authority, Inc., 2019


A NEW podcast hosted by Barbara Alexander as she interviews other mental health professionals about their work. Together they sort out some of the most important therapy issues of our times.

Episode 4: Treating Opioid Addictions

PODCAST #4: Treating Opioid Addictions

What works? The Twelve Step model or New Pharma or some Combination? Hear Drs. Willenbring, Johnson, and Dr. Ishani Dalal talk to Barbara Alexander, from On Good Authority, about their differing views.

© On Good Authority, Inc., 2019


A NEW podcast hosted by Barbara Alexander as she interviews other mental health professionals about their work. Together they sort out some of the most important therapy issues of our times.

Episode 3: Can We Understand Addictions: Is there a real answer?

PODCAST #3      “Can we Understand Addictions:  Is there a real answer?”

         This is the first of three podcasts about addiction and here, Barbara Alexander from On Good Authority interviews two psychiatrists – Mark Willenbring and Brian Johnson who have somewhat differing views on the neurology of opiate addictions.

© On Good Authority, Inc., 2019


A NEW podcast hosted by Barbara Alexander as she interviews other mental health professionals about their work. Together they sort out some of the most important therapy issues of our times.



Episode 2: Problems of Elderly Transgender Folk

Episode #2      “Problems of Elderly Transgender Folk.

         One of the biggest issues that older transgender individuals face is housing discrimination. Here, Barbara and Rena continue their conversation about the challenges facing the transgender community.

© On Good Authority, Inc., 2019


A NEW podcast hosted by Barbara Alexander as she interviews other mental health professionals about their work. Together they sort out some of the most important therapy issues of our times.


Episode 1: Shrinks Talk Shop

EPISODE #1:  “The language of the Transgender World”

Language is the number one way that trans and gender non-conforming folks know that they are safe. Here, Barbara Alexander, from On Good Authority, interviews Rena McDaniel, who tells us that in order to be respectful to Transgender folks, we need to know their pronouns!

© On Good Authority, Inc., 2019


A NEW podcast hosted by Barbara Alexander as she interviews other mental health professionals about their work. Together they sort out some of the most important therapy issues of our times.